
The Lease Negotiator – Webinar




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Module #3

The Lease Negotiator

The last in a 3 part series!

Don’t let any one fool you.  All leases are negotiable, if only you ask!

You will learn…

How to negotiate with everyone.
Sharpen and fine tune your negotiation skills.
When to hold ’em or fold ’em, and when to walk away.
Your Plan B, C and even D.
What to do with the “tough guy.”
Negotiator’s Rules of the Road.

Mary knows all leases are negotiable, even if you are in the middle of the lease or facing the final lease payment.  You will learn how to focus negotiation activities where you will get the biggest return for the time invested.

Join us for a live recorded 1 hour webinar and learn the top skills of The Lease Negotiator.