I spoke to a group of students this week. All were Juniors and Seniors in Dr. Carla Pavone’s class at the University of Missouri in Kansas City. Dr Pavone is a professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Bloch School of Business.

She invited me to talk to one of her classes about my experiences as an entrepreneur, how I branded my company, my mistakes, and how we use technology.

I had a few surprises from the students. At least 75%-80% of the students wanted to become entrepreneurs. Now that was  exciting. Several had clear pictures of what they wanted to do.

One young woman wanted to start a compound specialty pharmacy and a young man in the class hoped to open a restaurant. We discussed the challenges that each might face and the 80%-95% failure rate for new businesses.

What concerned me is when I asked them how many were on Twitter, their response was “What’s Twitter?”

I had thought of myself as the old fogey in the room until that moment. Although I have only been active on Twitter for 3 weeks, I know a few things about how the game is played.

I  downloaded two tools to help me navigate and manage my Twitter account— Tweetdeck and Twhirl .  And as a rookie who tweets, I am proud of my 253 follower new friends.

My view of life is to jump in and try something. Commit. Don’t sit.

Things are moving way to fast to think the parade will stop for you.  Ask questions when confused or lost. This world is full of very kind people just waiting to help if only we are brave enough to ask for directions.

If you are on the sidelines with Twitter, go on get in the game. No team limits. All can play.

If you are on Twitter, give me a tweet.