I am back and excited to blog again. I apologize to my friends and followers that I have been away from writing for eighteen months.

On a personal note, my husband and I finally decided to downsize. He had another major surgery in April of this year.

We are heading into a new phase of life. Small is better. What I found is that with our new little home (as of 1 week ago) the world feels more manageable. I finally feel I can write again.

Some of this blog may change focus as my life and I have changed. In addition I am working on an inspirational daily quote site. Stay tuned for that.  I hope you will like it. I will provide a link to it soon so you can subscribe to it at any time.

My new business address is 421 S. Bluegrass Drive, Bonner Springs, Kansas 66012. Our business phone number is 913-422-7775. My cell phone is 913-515-7779.

I am still a Professional Speaker and have developed several new workshops. One of the audience favorites is titled “Men and Women Show it Differently…Body Language that is.

Still under Development is another Body Language workshop titled Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.