by Maryspeaks | Oct 3, 2016 | Blog, Negotiation
One of the most difficult things for anyone to do is to walk away from a negotiation. Whether it be walking away from a new customer, a promising prospect, a long-time friendship or the new piece of production equipment that will double company sales. An essential...
by Maryspeaks | Sep 26, 2016 | Blog, Body Language, Business, Communication, Professional Speaking
In order to be a good listener, consider these tools to help you maintain focus. Do you find it difficult to maintain attention when listening to others? Most of us do. My husband is a slow, thoughtful talker. He considers his words and their impact before uttering...
by Maryspeaks | Sep 19, 2016 | Blog, Business, Uncategorized
September is back to school time. My great-grandson began Pre-K this week. I was excited to watch his mom’s video interviewing him about his first day of school. It was evident that both mom and dad had prepared him for the day. Wyatt colored a worksheet and knew the...
by Maryspeaks | Sep 12, 2016 | Blog, Communication, Inspirational, Uncategorized
Unless the chute fails to open. Alternatively, your tandem instructor decides not to pull the ripcord because he has a death wish. By now, you’ve probably guessed this story is about skydiving, one of my biggest fears. Last year, at a luncheon of an organization of...
by Maryspeaks | Sep 6, 2016 | Blog, Faith, Inspirational
As our large Irish Catholic family prepared for the final days of our Aunt Muriel Redmond’s life, we each took our turn saying good bye. My mother had died 42 years before Aunt Muriel. Although I was 22 at the time, Aunt Muriel became my touchstone, my moral compass....