It’s Back to School Time, Again?

September is back to school time. My great-grandson began Pre-K this week. I was excited to watch his mom’s video interviewing him about his first day of school. It was evident that both mom and dad had prepared him for the day. Wyatt colored a worksheet and knew the...

Mixed Messages: Show Me

I’m from Missouri. We’re known as the “Show Me” state. Maybe that’s why for most of my life, I’ve been fascinated with the incongruity between what someone says and what they do. Napoleon Bonaparte said “The best way to keep ones word is not to give it.” In sales,...

How to Manage a Business Bully

Once graduated from the bullies on the playground or locker room in school, you figured you’d left intimidators behind. Were you surprised when you find that they are alive, well and thrive in the Executive Board Rooms, at Corporate Sales Meetings and Conferences?...